Of all the people who are part of the queer community in Canada, Dobinson said about half of them identify as bisexual. “Unless you are literally having multiple relationships in polyamorous community, a lot of people identify or assume people’s orientations based on the relationships they currently have,” said Elizabeth Saewyc, who is head of nursing at the University of British Columbia and has researched bisexual youth for nearly three decades.Ĭheryl Dobinson, a Toronto-based bisexual researcher and member of the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community. Biphobia and erasure - how stereotypes are harmfulīisexual people can be excluded or seen as invisible within 2SLGBTQQIA+ spaces and conversations - neither straight nor gay enough for either community.Īnother big assumption researchers have noted: bisexual people are sometimes assumed to be straight or gay based on the gender of the person they are currently dating or married to. Other members of the bi community also expressed worries about how they would be viewed when coming out. Tweet This Click to share quote on Twitter: 'You do you and if that makes you happy, then all the power to you and I'm happy for you - just don't tell me that what I'm doing is wrong and we'll be good.'